
Sky Oxy

With Sky Oxy and other added processes, applying new chemical technology, Hi-Tech presents an environmentally responsible solution to create the appearance of wear on jeans without the use of chlorine and permanganate.

About Sky Oxy

Process that highlights the contrast generated by abrasion and mechanical actions to which the pieces are subjected during the stoning and aging process. 💧✨👖

Carried out through the oxidation of dyes used in the fibers, without the use of sodium hypochlorite and potassium permanganate, with Sky Oxy, and other added processes, HiTech presents a sustainable solution for the wear of jeans without the use of these undesirable chemicals.

The end result guarantees structurally healthier pieces with a worn visual appearance, highlighting the jeans' seam.

  • Eliminates the permanganate.
  • Does not require the use of chlorine.
  • Aggregates sustainability to the processing of jeans.

Application suggestions

About destarched itemsGenerates the appearance of aged pieces without the need for stoning
About broken partsHighlights and highlights the contrasts generated in stoning
About whitened partsEnhances stitch contrasts and creates a marbled appearance
About pieces colored with Histoned dyeingHighlights and highlights the aging effects already characteristic of Histoned dyeing
On items colored with Advanced Sulfur DyeOxidizes dyes, generating an aged appearance

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